Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If they can send a man to the moon,

If they can send a man to the moon, why, why, does nothing work to minimize my pores? Seriously. You could go swimming in there.


  1. try not to worry no one will want to go swimming in them :)

    hmm, interesting point.

  3. Hi Essie, I just hopped over to your blog from someone else's (but I can't remember who!) And I love you already - you're funny, you're honest, and you're in the northwoods! I grew up in the UP, so wherever you are is close to my heart.

    And here's my 2 cents on the pores thing - I buy (or have bought and probably never will again) those nose-strip pore cleaner things. They get the dirt out, but then, I think they make your pores bigger. It's a conspiracy - make the pores bigger so they'll catch more dirt and they can sell more nose-pore cleaners. Why does beaty have to be so difficult?

    Nice to meet you. I'm a follower!

  4. oops - I meant BEAUTY - but you knew that - the Daylight Savings Time thing has taken its toll on me as well.

  5. Must be the mid-west climate. I'm right there with you, sister. Ugh. :(

  6. Ok...laffamama...you've received an award over on my blog.

  7. Oh oh, you may have already received this award, but jump over to my blog and check it out!

  8. Where'd you go? Stage fright about picking up your award? You've been gone too long....

  9. umm, are you psychic? Ok, I know it is weird but yeah, I did kind of have stage fright. I am so thrilled and excited I wanted to make sure I had enough time to do it all right! I never got any awards and I see all you guys have several, and now I suddenly have 2!!!! So, it is a BIG HUGE DEAL for me and I want to do it wearing a gown (or at least with some deoderant on).
    Anyway, I am coming- on my way.

  10. thanks E.....LOVE Beyond Consequences....having a fabulous day today(back at work) but dont tell the boys...shhhhhhh...they might decide to try and change the status...

  11. Hi Essie,
    I didn't see any other place to send you a message, so I'll leave you another comment. ;) I'm a troll now - in the lower peninsula of Michigan ("below the bridge"), but my family is still in da Yoop - just north of Menominee, to be exact. All my aunts & uncles, and my soon-to-be 90-year-old grandma still live there; my sisters live in Green Bay, and my brother lives in Marinette.

    thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to reading more on yours!

    God bless,


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