Monday, July 12, 2010

Good Riddance to Bad Trash

I've waited a couple of weeks to see if this was really going to happen. It seems to be. The Husband received the following text message:

"Don't know if you've noticed but i am no longer living across the street. Skankenho and I have split up and i have moved out, aside from a few big items that are still there for the moment. The kids have asked if i can still visit them. So the only time i am over there is in the evening or at night and it is usually for about a half hour to an hour. Not sure if you're still gonna do what you had told me the last couple times we talked but i just wanted to update you on the situation."

GUESS WHO FINALLY GOT OUT OF MY FACE!!!!! That's right, Jack Ass. Don't let the door hit ya' where the good Lord split ya'!

Guess what epic loser has moved in with his brother??????? 


Here is a post on the history of all this, and a few other links that will explain it all, within reason anyway. To make a long, super long, story condensed, the man who originally adopted my daughter from Ukraine and terminated his parental rights after about 3 years moved in across the street from us with a new girlfriend and her 2 daughters, and began doing some creepy things. We got a restraining order that turned out to be fairly flimsy. There have been a few verbal altercations since, and mostly he has hidden inside the house but would not leave! 

So what is Mr. Ass referring too in the last line of his text? At one point, The Husband told him that if he moved away and was no longer a threat to our daughter, than we would not need a restraining order. If he was not there we would cooperate with steps to get the order lifted, if that is possible. See, but I guess we forgot to tell him he had to move the fuck away and STAY away for it to count, because he has been at that house just about every other day for weeks. He is mowing the lawn. He takes care of the garbage cans. He is an unwashed unpaid houseboy.

Oh, and by the way thanks for the six months we just spent in the seventh circle of hell you moron. I guess I missed the part of the text where it says he is so very sorry for all the inhuman pain he caused. No sir, straight to the main focus of his pathetic life- himself. Seriously, he has the nerve to ask for a favor. For us to do something for him. Selfish. Ignorant. Fucktardmoron.

I was somewhat surprised  to read the note that he will be coming by to spend time with Skankenho's daughters. They have a father. They have a good father. He is the one I see at the school functions. He is the only one I have ever seen out at the park with those girls. He is always at the bus stop early when it's his turn to pick them up. In fact, he is early enough to have had a conversation with me on one of the last days of school. I was shocked to find out he had no idea of what was going on with Jack and us. Shocked! I casually brought up our restraining order on Jack and could not believe The Real Dad did not know any of this! He knew the police had been by the house, but not why. Well, once that cat had squiggled out of the bag I had to tell him all of it. I did not exaggerate and I did not try to make us look better or them worse, I just told him what has been happening. He, The Real Dad, who pays a huge amount of child support. He pays Skankenho to babysit her own children when he is working, by custody order. He pays her lots and lots of money to sit there while their kids are in school and he is working (remember, we citizens pay their rent and other needs). He who wants full custody and does not have it. Gosh, and I know how important all that money is to her. I sure hope that didn't cause her any problems.

It took less than 2 weeks for Jack Ass to be formally kicked out of the house, his shit at the curb.


He's gone! He's gone! He's gone!

Now, the last thing I need is to find a scuzzy man to parade up and down my street to catch her attention. She is going to need someone to do the laundry and watch those kids. Should I try Match dot com?
"Seeking Scumball with job income. Drugs a plus, access to script pad pharmacy a double plus plus! Must love pumping stomachs and mowing the lawn. I enjoy: super poor judgement, watching tv, laying on the couch, passing out. Love drama! "
I'll keep working on it.


  1. w0000000000000000000t! Go you!!!!!!!

  2. I can't comment with the spamaliciousness of your first comment, but YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! You now have to deal with less yahoo ;)

    See what I did there? I knew you would.

  3. totally love your ad!

  4. Whoo Hoooo!!! I mean...WHOOOO HOOOOOO!! Bye bye Jack!!

    So glad for you!!!!

  5. YAY!!!!!!!! Get out and stay out jackass!

  6. Having a situation like this right next to you in a neighborhood is a constant irritant like sand in an oyster. I'm not sure we develop any pearls from the constant irritation from low life's like this except maybe pearls of wisdom. Rejoicing with you in your fabulous "loss" of the creepy creep.

  7. I'm not sure what your first comment said, but I second that! (Looks pretty enthusiastically congratulatory!)

  8. Glad JA has moved along. Oh, and Fucktardmoron has a such a lovely ring to it. Truly waiting for the day when I can say that in context.

  9. I was hoping this is what your post would tell us when I saw your blog title! I think I am a glass half empty here though. Dare I mention it? Sure because I want the best for you. I'm kind of worried about him showing up. Before, you knew where he was even though it was not a good place. Now you don't know when he will show up or what day. Unless he starts running like clockwork won't it be hard to monitor? I wish those restraining orders actually worked. Here's to hoping the good dad can keep having such good influence. She needs to move, don't ya think?

  10. I'm celebrating for you with a nice frosty beverage! YYYYYAAAAAYYYY!!!!

    And don't you dare even possibly consider dropping that order.

  11. Woohoo!! So glad that Jack is gone and I hope he stays gone for good!!!

  12. This is awesome news. I'm so glad for you.

  13. I know, it is trickier now that he is showing up at random times instead of being there all the time! But I have gotten a little more sick of this crap too, and have let my girls go out and play hopscotch and such on the driveway even when he is there. Booya to him, this is our neighborhood and we were here first. If we are outside, he has to be out of sight.

    I still carry the order in my handbag, for sure.

    I really wanted to sit in my yard and have a beer and watch him move with my finger held high, but he did it in the middle of the night across several days. Must have known I wanted to do that!

    Gone! Gone! Gone! And the order still applies for the next year and a half! Yahoooo and hoooo wah!

  14. ps unless you speak the language of the first comment, I don't know what it says and it could be malware, so just be careful!
    I usually erase them but y'all seem to be enjoying this one so I'm leaving it for now!

  15. Thank. Goodness.

    May he find a new Skankenho far, far across town.

  16. Thank. Goodness.

    May he find a new Skankenho far, far across town.

  17. I am saying YAY!!! I love that you told the dad and now all this has taken place...go you!!

    And, you always crack me up, you really know how to tell a story!!

  18. Huh, it never occurred to me to try to find HIM a new Skank! Interesting possibilities there for sure....

  19. "Don't let the door hit ya' where the good Lord split ya'!"
    My goodness! Where do you come up with these?! I nearly woke my husband up laughing.

    Great move, telling the dad!

    But he still gives me the creeps. Why is he mowing her lawn if he is "seeing the girls"? Seems like that restraining order is still very necessary.

  20. He's gone!!!! I'm so glad for you and your girls.....


  21. It's too bad the Good Ex-Husband (with the not-so-good judgment for marrying Skankenho) can't use the information about Jackass Fucktard to get full custody of his kids.

  22. Yahoooooo! I am so glad for you. Although it really creeps me out that he's coming around to see her girls. Glad you are hanging on to that court order for a while longer.

  23. Im soooo happy for you not having to put up with Mr. Ass anymore. Phew...also I love that you outed lazy skank...that is awesome.


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