Tuesday, October 22, 2013

today's winner....

So, the last time I was giving away a book, we had a family emergency and had to go to Chicago for a few days. Now this time, I had a dental emergency and did not get any good drugs. Bah!

Anyway, the winner of the book "Full Circle" by Dee Dee Hixon is..........

building tension

drumming up anticipation

now just being annoying

distracting now with the cute picture of Genea selecting the winner

(those papers on the table are her homework, not entries that fell out or anything ha ha)

(yeah, she's doing homework with a space heater next to her. It's October and I refuse to put on the heat. However, I hate to be cold and so does she. Hence the robe over her clothes too. It's freezing out- literally.)

So, just email me your address and I'll get it right out to you!


Thanks for playing!


  1. OK - I hope you get more books. I see my entry there being handed in as homework.

    1. LOL IT IS NOT! I don't have any more books, or anything else right now. Just gonna be straight up twerking for a while.

  2. So, when can you turn on the heat?

    When I lived in Wisconsin (first 30 years of my life), I had a rule that I couldn't wear my nice long warm puffy down coat until Nov 1st. I sure froze in October.

    Sue B

    1. Technically, Nov 1, but I try and challenge myself to go as long as possible. I do the same with coats! My kids dug out their winter coats already, it's been 28 in the morning but mid- 40's all day. So now what are they going to wear when its -20 as the high temp of the day?


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