Ummmm, yeah sure okay.
'Cause if I didn't, there are 2 tween girls roaming this house who would make me pay for my egregious error in judgement for at least the next 8- 10 years. Quite likely more.
So I agreed to write a post, and the movie people sent us dolls featured in the movie, Barbie and Catania. The excitement! The thrill! The massive amount of cool mom points!
And so, while I'm not sure this is exactly what the marketing department had in mind, I'm going to tell a little story.
When Genea first arrived in our home at the age of 4, she brought all of her possessions with her. DVD's and VCR tapes included as well as tons of toys. Most everything was brand spanking new, as she refused to play with toys. Anyway, as I've noted in the past, she moved in and spent the next 4 years give or take screaming, tantrumming and flipping across the ceiling. The most I could hope for her to do, other than those preferred activities, was about 2 minutes with a book or 10 minutes of a PBS show. That's it. Oh, or sleeping. Though even sleep only allowed her peace for a few hours at a time.
Rest assured, I tried everything. Good idea's, recommended idea's, bad and even super sucky ideas. Nothing. She would do nothing longer than 10 minutes if it distracted her from her goal of 12 hours of screaming a day.
Except for one thing. In her boxes of precious possessions was included a Barbie movie. When she asked if she could watch it, I agreed easily. Couldn't hurt. Might help.
Genea sat down and watched that Barbie movie from start to finish. It was a long one, about 2 hours, and it was amazing.
So when I say we are Barbie fans in this house, I mean more like super-fans. I mean like Packers fans don't got nothing on us. In the early days, those Barbie movies were the only thing that could hold Genea's attention.
Well, both of my girls were beyond thrilled with the dolls. They played pretend with them for -I'm not kidding I swear- 3 hours straight. The dolls both convert from "normal Barbie's" to Awesomely Beautiful Fairy Princess Royalty with a little button. Here they are....
Teena was so excited in the morning morning she risked speaking to me before my coffee to say she had written a story about her doll and was going to read it to me!
Barbie Mariposa and the Fairy Princess. Check it out.